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Thursday, December 22, 2016

Healthy Lifestyle for Better Life

Many people wanted to have a long and enjoyable life. But as we progress through the help of technology, we are attacking our environment on the opposite direction. And for us, it makes life shorter. With all the stress we encounter every day from pollution, having a good life has gotten even tougher. And as a result our mind and body has become weak.

But we all know the culprit for this and we already have the solution. A tired body will surely be affected by simple stress but if we have enough energy, our body could easily take on these challenges. But then, with our environment that takes away so much of our energy, coupled with foods that does not support proper nourishment, one's life is always in danger. To counter these negative effects we need to change our lifestyle for the better.

It is a fact that one's lifestyle greatly influences his life. Thus if one should want to live better, changing his lifestyle is a must. Eating the right kinds of food can elevate your body's energy level. Our body's energy is what makes us do our daily chores and it comes from what we eat. Today's fast foods are available virtually anywhere. This makes availability of food better but at the same time poses great danger. As we have the access to lots of foods we end up eating what we want and not what we need.

Taste plays an important part of our food but it is sometimes what makes our body weak. And having a weak body would imply having less energy. And if your body has lesser amount of energy there's a great chance of getting sick. The reason for this is that our body's defense mechanism is dependent on the energy we have. Just like with your car's engine, without gasoline it's nothing but a piece of junk. And that's the same way for your body.

But it does not end where the fuel is. Having the right mechanism to use this fuel is a part of it. And for our body, it would mean having the right levels of needed nutrients. This will help your body burn the energy stored inside your system in an efficient way. This way, you'll be able to use your available energy throughout the day slowly and effectively.

And having the right balance of nutrients and energy will make your body work better and cleaner. This is important as to improve your immune system. And that's where you'll be able to reap the rewards of having a long and enjoyable life.

Healthy Foods for Your Body

Looking for a great way to lose weight does not mean that you have to starve yourself in order to do so. There are many healthy foods available out there that will help you to achieve your desired weight loss goals provided that you have the necessary willpower and energy to do so. Let's face it, losing weight is not easy and it takes a lot of hard work, but if you have the right mindset and the dedication to do so, you should have no problem losing weight if you eat healthy and get the proper amount of daily exercise. When you are trying to lose weight the natural way, you can take the money that you would have spent on a diet program such as Jenny Craig or Weight Watchers, and use it to purchase natural foods from your neighborhood store that will produce the same results as the diet programs do. Here are some useful tips that will help you lose the weight that you desire without having to pay a monthly membership to have foods delivered directly to your doorstep.

When you make the decision that you are going to drop a few pounds, you must concentrate on the foods that you are consuming. The one thing that you must make sure of is to cut back on the size of the portions that you eat because you want your body to be able to burn up the buildup fat in your body instead of storing it. It might seem hard at first, but cutting down on the amount of food you consume per meal will help you to lose faster and easier than joining any diet program would have. This is where your willpower kicks in because you have to be able to cut your proportions down in order to achieve weight loss.

Once you have mastered the proportion controlling of eating, the next step is to incorporate some sort of exercise into your daily program. You should try to start out being active for an hour a day, if possible. Starting out easy and not over doing it will give you better results and better benefits when you see the weight starting to come off. Once you have started losing weight and get more energy, you can gradually increase the amount of your daily workout, but be careful not to make it too demanding as it may seem like you are on a rigorous workout schedule and that is not good for you. If you are serious about losing weight, you are going to have to be happy with it and not think of it as work and before you know it, the pounds will start to come off.

If you are losing weight all by yourself, you are going to have to think of it as a step program. Taking things in small steps or proportions will get you to your goal even though it may take you a little longer and require some extra work on your part. You will be surprised on how much weight you can lose a couple of months down the road simply by setting a goal for yourself and sticking to it.

I hope that you enjoyed this article and I would like to invite you to my eating healthy web site where you will find great free tips and information that is designed to help you live a long healthy life.

How Healthy Food Changed My Life?

Often, developing healthy food habit is not as restrictive or as confusing as several individuals imagine. The first and foremost principle of healthy nutrition is simply eating a wide range of foodstuff. This is more important, since varied foodstuff make varied dietary contributions.

Secondly, vegetables, fruits, legumes and grains are necessary, since these foods are high in carbohydrates, fiber, minerals, vitamins, and low in fatty substances and are cholesterol free.

It is also better to balance between calorie expenditure and calorie intake. That is, avoid eating more foodstuff than what the body can consume. Otherwise, there is a possibility of gaining additional weight. Therefore, the more the active an individual is, the more he can eat and uphold this balance.

It does not mean that aforementioned three fundamental steps suggest an individual to sacrifice the favorite food. As long as, an individual's diet is rich in fiber and nutrients and well balanced, there is nothing improper.

Individuals also can view healthy foodstuff as a chance to expand range of alternatives by trying some healthy food such as vegetables, fruits or whole grains. A healthy nutrition does not have to imply eating foodstuffs, which are unappealing or bland.

Benefits of Healthy Food:

Nutritious and healthy diet is very much significant for maintaining a healthy body. Healthy diet involves timely and regular food, snacks, nuts and juices. A balanced meal and appropriate food habits are essential for leading a healthy life. In due course of life, everyone forgets to take essential nutrition for proper body function, hence fall under several life-style diseases. Hence, it is necessary for an individual to understand and know about the benefits of healthy food such as vegetables, fruits and nuts.

Below discussed are some of the benefits of healthy food:

oBeetroot: It has good amount of potassium, manganese and foliate. It also contains fewer calories and helps to cure skin problems.

oCauliflower: It is extremely nutritious and is much effective in curing several ailments. It is rich in folate and apt for pregnant women.

oMangoes: They are very popular and largely available fruit. They are rich in potassium and good for healing wounds.

oNutritional Values of Banana: It aids in the healing of anemia, depression, brainpower, blood pressure and constipation.

oEgg: It is nutritious and healthy food. Eggs lecithin prevents the absorption of egg's cholesterol and other sources as well.


Research has witnessed that, those who eat less processed food and saturated fatty items live longer and healthy life, and are very less prone to disease and illness. Good health food along with proper exercise gives tons of energy and makes feel stronger and healthier.

Good health food can assist individuals in maintaining a healthy weight. The phrase Healthy Weight is not only important for those individuals who are overweight, but also for individuals who are underweight as well. With eating healthy food, individuals can control their body weight without being underweight or overweight.

Healthy livelihood is all about understanding the body requirements and rendering it with good supplies for proper body function. Unhealthy eating habit can affect the individuals' body severely, hence intake healthy foodstuff to avoid such consequences.

Healthy Foods For Babies - Starting Solids

Most parents worry about nutrition and making sure that their child gets good healthy foods into them from the outset. The best food for babies to start with of course is breastmilk and this can remain a source of nutrition and comfort for many years, if a child self-weans. Of course though there comes a time when a child will show an interest in what you are eating and you may opt to start them on solids at the traditional 6 month mark.

You should take into consideration that not all children pick up the desire to start solids at this age and although they might eat some, they may not make a meal out of it until well into their second year. This is normal and natural so I wouldn't worry if your child isn't eating a lot of solid foods as long as they are still provided with mother's milk. Generally some great foods to start babies on are fruit and vegetables. Many people go straight to rice but rice isn't very nutritious even fortified by manufacturers to give it some vitamins and minerals.

The best start for babies is to give them various different types of fruits and vegetables. For fruits there are so many different ones to give your baby. You can mash up bananas and melons and these are great starter foods. For some extra fat, mash up avocado. You can also mix avocado with banana to give it some sweetness. Other fruits that can be easy to give a baby are pears when soft, mangoes and peaches. For vegetables, some boiled sweet potato mashed up is a great starting point. You can also do this with carrots as well. You don't have to introduce a new food every day, in fact you could start of on 1 or 2 for one week and see how that goes.

Generally there is no rush to give your child fifty different tastes. Starting on fruits and vegetables is a good thing for many reasons. Both fruits and vegetables are nutritious, moreso than any other foods and we are always told how we need to eat more of these everyday. If you start your child off on these foods and make them a part of their daily life, they will love them and continue this essential habit into their teenage and adult years.

This is the approach I took with my son who is now 3. He went over to his cousins the other day and she was sitting eating a pile of biscuits. He went over to his bag, pulled out a banana and apple and sat by her and ate them. He chose those, because fruits and vegetables have been in his life everyday. So if you want the best start for your child, start getting them used to fruits and vegetables. Fruits are naturally sweet for a kid's natural sweet tooth anyway, so they should go down a treat.

Healthy Food for Students

As our children grow older and begin the passage to adulthood we supply them with knowledge about the way the world works so that they can be productive citizens of society. We teach them how to reason, how to articulate, and how to be responsible for their actions. Math, science, reading, grammar, and history are the order of the day at many schools. Some schools excel at teaching their students these subjects but many schools fall short when it comes to teaching the value of good nutrition.

Nutrition a fundamental aspect of living, in fact throughout the course of the average lifespan the number times a person will have to make nutritional decisions is mind boggling. It is something so basic to the very essence of life but it is so often overlooked. While the responsibility for teaching current and future generations rests with the parents primarily, schools have done a lamentable job at imparting the importance of nutrition, especially in the school cafeteria. We all know that children learn by example and instead of providing healthy food for students what children often have to contend with are foods that are highly processed, overly fatty, and nutritionally bankrupt. Junk food reigns supreme to the detriment of young children who will grow up and often play out a lifetime of bad nutritional habits learned at an early age.

Good or bad nutritional habits often begin at a tender age. The impact of such often has far reaching effects on the individual and society as a whole. Currently America spends a whopping TWO TRILLION DOLLARS on health care costs every year yet we are not even ranked in the top 10 countries in terms of overall health. The countless dollars being spent are to address issues that could very well be prevented by proper nutrition - lessons that can be taught at a fraction of the cost to society for the benefit of the child and the country collectively. It is no surprise that the top two killers of Americans, Cardiovascular Disease and Cancer respectively, can largely be prevented by proper nutrition.

However healthy food for students can often result in more parochial if underappreciated benefits. Healthy food for students has been documented to increase academic performance as well as mediate aberrant behavior and violent crimes, including suicides, among student populations.

If schools are supposed to feed the mind, they should also do a better job at feeding the body. If a good education is a right, a healthy diet at school should be also.

Healthy Food For Dogs

No conscientious dog owner would ever consider serving food that might be harmful to their dog. But this is happening all too often because owners are simply unaware of the facts behind the food they are buying.

To date there has been precious little research available on the subject. A report has now been carried out which reveals the secrets behind commercial dog food. It is essential reading for all owners.

For the vast majority of dog owners, the easiest way to buy healthy food for their dogs is from their regular grocery stores or something similar. The perceived wisdom is that 'well known' is the same as 'good'. This is far from the truth, and in reality is a risky misinterpretation.

Analysis indicates that commercial dog food purchased off the shelf is regularly damaging dogs. Preservatives used in commercial dog food are an area of serious concern with content used that has been banned from human consumption. Ethoxyquin (EQ) is just one such product.

Of course not all commercial dog food is bad but much of it is unhealthy. It is accepted that dog nutritional requirements are not particularly well understood by either owners or veterinarians. As a result a dog's precise dietary solutions are not well developed.

Finding quality research which is readily available is difficult and this continuing lack of information means that owners are constantly buying the wrong product. In the absence of intelligence, the best known and most readily available dog food products are purchased, even when they may well be harmful.

The implications are serious. Amongst the conditions that have been directly attributed to commercial dog food are:

Bad breath
Birth defects
Hair loss
Liver dysfunction
Major organ failure
Kidney cancer
Bladder cancer
Skin cancer

This does not represent an exhaustive list.

These conditions are often terminal, resulting in painful death. In all cases the quality of life is seriously reduced. Poor or inappropriate food is acknowledge as a major contribution to reduced life expectancy amongst dogs. On a matter-of-fact but nonetheless significant level, dog healthcare costs can be huge when dealing with these serious conditions.

The vast majority of owners are conscientious, caring and loving towards their dogs. We know that these animals hold a truly special place in the family and more often than not develop real bonds with owners. Bearing this in mind, owners must make decisions based on fact. Simply choosing what is available is harming their dogs more than they can realise.

Healthy Foods For Your Kitchen - Have Good Food in Your Home

Our current world population is becoming increasingly more health conscious now but not necessarily healthy. This is still a good sign though because more people are aware of the importance of a good lifestyle now. They are now thinking of prolonging their lives by maintaining a quality lifestyle so they can still live to see their grandchildren. To do this, we have our healthy recipes and cooking for your kitchen to guide you on doing the right thing to prolong your life.

Despite more takeaways and instant foods today more than ever, we are also witnessing today the era of healthy living through the rise of cooking shows featuring healthy recipes and cooking for your kitchen. What makes these shows truly amazing is the fact that it brings back something very important that was lost in our modern society and that is cooking our own foods at our very own kitchen. Because of our busy life at work, we prefer just buying the foods or ordering them instead of preparing them in our own homes with our bare hands. This is why we can not be sure if these foods are really healthy and safe because we really do not know how they are prepared. Unlike if we do our own cooking, we can always be sure that we are cooking healthy and safe foods because we are the ones who prepare them.

Here are some sample healthy foods for your kitchen:

1. For Appetizers, we recommend Cheese Fondue, Homemade Yogurt, Stuffed Vegetable Recipe, Veggie Finger Platter Recipe, and Light Sausage Balls Recipe.
2. For Breads, we recommend Cinnamon Twists Recipe, Herb Pinwheel Rolls Recipe, and Wheat-Flour Tortillas Recipe.
3. For Desserts, we highly recommend Baked Lemon Pudding Cake Recipe, Chocolate Lover's Trail Mix Recipe, and Cranberry Blueberry Pie Recipe.

There are so many healthy foods for your kitchen to choose from and we highly recommend to try all of them because only in this way you can be sure that you are on the right path to a great lifestyle.

10 Diabetes Risk Factors

Diabetes is when the Pancreas, a very important organ, no longer produces the hormone insulin. Or what is produced is not used efficiently in the body as it goes through the blood stream to various cells to provide energy. There is Type 1 & Type 2 Diabetes.

What are the risk factors?

1. Age - As you get older the chances of becoming Diabetic increases. It usually becomes a problem once an individual reaches over the age of 45 or 50.

2. Having a Sedentary life style - Most individuals do not exercise and they live a very sedentary life. More time is spent watching TV, playing electronic games or using the computer than walking, running, hiking and engaging in any other physical activities. Families don't promote physical activities where parents and children are active together, nor do they encourage their children to play outside with other children like in the old days.

3. Belonging to certain ethnic groups - Statistic show that African Americans, Native Americans, Asians and Hispanics have a higher chance of becoming Diabetic than Caucasians.

4. Being overweight - Obesity is a major risk factor in most health problems and Diabetes is no exception. When someone is overweight they more than double their chances of becoming Diabetic, if they are obese it is 80 times more likely they will become Diabetic.

5. Family History - If someone in your direct family line, such as parent, grandparent, sibling has a history of Diabetes you are at risk. But more than that, if you live the same unhealthy lifestyle that they live you increase your chances of being Diabetic.

6. High Blood pressure - If you chronically suffer from high blood
Pressure you are at risk for Diabetes. High blood pressure (hypertension) adds to the workload of the heart, arteries and kidneys. Damage to kidneys are long term and cause related complications.

7. Having cancer - Individuals who have or had cancer may find that they are effected with serious Diabetic complications.

8. Smoking - Because of the poisonous carcinogens in Nicotine it is a precursor for almost any Disease the body can contract including Diabetes.

9. Current Lifestyle - In order to decrease your chances of becoming Diabetic you must eat healthy foods, get plenty of rest, exercise 3 - 4 days each week, and not over indulge in sugary foods. In many cases you have to change your current lifestyle.

10. High Sugar intake - The average American consumes 2 - 3 pounds of sugar each week. That comes from eating; cakes, cookies, candy, chips, sugary cereals, soda/pops, fruit juices, etc. If you find that you crave simple carbs and other forms of sugar you should see a doctor because you are probably at risk.

This article may be freely reprinted or distributed in part or its entirety, but author's name, bio and website links, must remain intact and be included in every reproduction.

Uses Of Vitamins

Many women suffer from premenstrual symptoms or menstrual cramps every month. Faced with an array of medications and home remedies to try to alleviate these symptoms, some women are now finding that they can control their bodies better by ensuring they get the right mix of the vitamin blend and minerals their body needs.

What Vitamins and Minerals Help?

Doctors have recommended for year that menstruating women take extra iron to prevent anemia. With the loss of blood over several days, many women find that their iron levels plunge. The recommended 15 mg per day is easiest to consume as a dietary supplement, either on its own or as part of a multivitamin.

Women who find they crave red meat during their periods should think twice about giving into these cravings. Beef, lamb and pork may actually aggravate menstrual cramping. Our bodies use the saturated fats from these meats to create chemicals that cause the uterus to contract, creating cramps. So while you may be solving one problem, the need for extra iron, you could be making a cramping problem worse.

Studies have shown that a diet high in calcium can provide relief from menstrual cramps. Recommended doses vary from 1,000 mg to 1,500 mg per day. Since a diet high in calcium is important for strong bones anyway, making sure you take enough to help control cramps is a great idea.

The other nutrient combination that has been shown to help with cramping is the vitamin B 6 and niacin. It's important to keep an eye on the level of B 6 in any supplement you're taking, since excessive levels can be toxic. The dose should be in the 200-300 mg range.

Niacin works best if you start taking it between seven and ten days before your period is due to begin. Then you should stop taking it the day your period starts. The minimum effective dose is 25 mg, but if that doesn't work for you, try increasing the amount.

Some women need as much as 200 mg of niacin per day to ward off cramps. There is a need for caution in women with liver problems, who should only take niacin after checking with their doctors for possible problems.

Another supplement recommended to keep women feeling great during their periods is the vitamin C. Getting as much as 1,000 mg every day may keep you feeling better and prevent some of the normal discomfort.

Not Just the Vitamin - Nutritional Tips

Don't stop with just the vitamin. For women who tend to retain water during their periods, it's important to limit sodium. Salty snacks like chips and cheeses can make you feel bloated. Some of the worst offenders are processed foods like canned soups and microwave dinners. Be sure to read labels and keep your salt intake down until your period ends.

The other common complaint with monthly cycles is a tendency to become constipated. By adding extra fiber to your diet during your period, you should be able to keep your digestive system functioning normally.

There will always be a certain amount of inconvenience women face during their periods, but it doesn't have to include debilitating pain. Following these suggestions for using the vitamin and mineral suggestions here to reduce symptoms may offer some women a chance to feel a little more normal throughout their menstrual cycles.

A Lesson From Our Grandparents On How To Eat

It's so hard for us to figure out how to eat. So we and our children suffer from obesity and bad health. We need to figure out what to eat so that we can enjoy ourselves and be healthy. With so many diseases and obesity out of control, so many of us are becoming concern about the way we eat; we are concerned about how to shop for our families. We have forgotten how to enjoy the simple foods of life.

I remember when my grandparents ate their biggest meals early in the morning before they went to the fields to work. They ate their mid-size meals in the afternoons and the smallest meals in the evening when they would be doing less work. I wonder how we learned to eat the way we do. Our ancestors or grandparents didn't eat the way we do. They ate what came from the ground, unpasteurized milk and dairy products, meats with no hormones.

We have allowed people like the founder of McDonalds, Ray Kroc and others to fashion our eating habits. Believe it or not he wasn't in the hamburger business; he stated he was in the real estate business. He wanted to have a lot of real estate and he accomplished his mission. But if he wasn't in the hamburger business it explained why he didn't care about the kind of food he was feeding the nation. Not just him, but the many others who pushed us into thinking we can put anything in our mouths and we would be healthy. These individuals used food as a vehicle to accomplish their dreams at the expense of others.

Now because of all the synthetic foods, cancer is out of control, diabetes is out of control, obesity is out of control. Most of us don't even desire real food. We really believe that our bodies know what we are eating. It doesn't, the body can't identify it, and so it makes us sick.

We so desperately need to learn how to eat like our grandparents did about 50 years ago, they ate simple foods, and not processed foods nick named Franken Foods. Most of the people than, didn't have soft bellies or belly fat. As children we had tight stomachs not soft bellies like we are seeing today. Children played, not sit on the couch all day and watch TV. Than I was a child we skated and rode our bikes, jumped rope. If you didn't want to go out you were thrown outside. We climbed trees; we were active and healthier.

Come learn more on how what to eat at: []
Information like this will help you learn how to choose the right foods for your family. You will understand how our grandparents instinctively ate, it will make it so much easier to shop for your family.

Healthy Food for Children to Consume

Children that are lacking well balanced meals are vulnerable to health problems such as poor eyesight, exhaustion as well as reduced concentration. This may hinder their development, which may be very depressing as being a parent. Unhealthy weight is rising among children on account of extravagance in high fat foods such as hamburgers and pizza. Alternatively, healthy food for the children boost psychological health and maintain how much they weigh and general health who is fit. Understanding sensible food list will give parents a concept in what might be a part of healthy foods for children.

Fundamentally, healthy food is lacking in fats and for that reason also can play a huge role to lose weight naturally in kids. Eating well balanced meals guarantees adequate development and overall growth of youngsters. A few of the healthy food you can eat are shown below:

Milk products

Milk can be a giant of essential goodness. It is among the best healthy drinks for the children. The truth is, research has shown that milk contains possibly 9 nutritional requirements which include necessary minerals such as calcium, potassium and zinc. To get healthy bones and also to hold eye problems under control, young children need to drink two glasses of milk on a daily basis. In addition to milk, children ought to be given do-it-yourself yogurt, which is loaded with 'good' bacteria. Which is produced from milk, it is usually filled with nutritional supplements. So, by taking natural yogurt, you can reap the main advantages of milk. Dairy and cheese are also available in the healthy foods list, since calcium in cheese helps reinforce teeth and bones of children. Nevertheless, it needs to be eaten sparingly as excessive usage can cause putting on weight.


Seafood is also available in their email list of healthy food for the kids you can eat. Furthermore, like a rich supply of proteins, fish is discovered to be an excellent source of omega-3 eras. For proper continuing development of as their pharmaceutical counterpart, including reasons for omega-3 acids is essential. No surprise, fish is certainly a brain food. Picking salmon can be a better alternative, in terms of preparing meals for children. Parents can boost vitamins and minerals of children lunch by having few meals of sushi twice each week.


Foods high in protein like eggs are necessary to maintain your children nutritious. Proteins have an important role to create strong muscle and also ensure healthful hair growth. One just can not deny kids of the benefits so must contain eggs of their diet. However, as eggs are full of cholesterol, kids shouldn't be given eggs daily. Consequently, adding one boiled egg at breakfast or lunch on every alternative day is suggested.


Lean cuts of meat offering skin free chicken as well as turkey are lacking in fatty acids but you are outstanding reasons for proteins. Foods composed of chicken together with vegetable soup, cooked potato together with salmon or even a salmon sandwich are a number of the best foods to shed weight. Other choices for wholesome foods for the kids get below:

Chicken meatballs

Chicken using a roll

Chicken sandwich that contains little bit of mayo

Rice that contains lean slashes of chicken

Fish sticks

Vegetables and fruit

Their email list of well balanced meals for the kids to nibble on is partial and not to mention fruits and vegetables. Green vegetables have for ages been praised as main supply of minerals and vitamins and they are a fundamental portion of healthful eating. They are able to assistance to lose excessive fat in children. Parents searching for sensible food for the children lunches must get ready recipes created from vegetables such as spinach, tomatoes, broccoli, carrots, Brussels sprouts and cabbage. Fruits may also help with boost vitamin consumption in children and also promote weight reduction. Few servings of papaya, avocado, guava, mango, orange and strawberries provide ample nutrients. Fruits such as pineapples, apples as well as peaches are great for your intestine and also will help stop painful intestinal movement in youngsters. Steamed cauliflower or broccoli and pieces of carrots and cucumber, or perhaps a green salad could be a great addition to kids' lunch. So, whether it is your meal, a salad recipe has to be a fundamental portion of children food.

Whole grains

Whole grains including brown colored rice, oat bran, oatmeal and wheat grains bread and whole fiber cereals, are elevated in complicated carbs as well as fiber in addition to include considerable quantity of magnesium mineral and blood potassium. Carbs would be the primary sources of energy for your body. Thus, a child's breakfast should include high energy meals, which happen to be only whole grains. This can keep your kids usually do not go through fatigue and continue to be full of energy and lively during the day.

Generally, healthy food for the kids' assistance to boost their mental capacity as well as apprehension thus gets them ready to work at studies. Additionally, kids consuming nutritious food items on a regular basis are always pleasant and content, thus making it simpler for moms and dads to take care of them

Teenage Healthy Eating

Teenagers have a mind of their own, and they usually assume that they are correct and the whole world is mistaken, especially when it comes to what they eat! Teenager eating healthily is unheard of, but not impossible. There's always a possibility that your teenager can start a new trend!

Teenagers, no matter how stubborn they might be, still looks up to their parents for silent assistance and guidance. They will never directly ask for them, but they will silently study your body language to know if what you're saying is done in love or spite. Sometimes even though words are spoken out of love, anger can always destroy or confuse that good intent. So even though your teenager is stubborn and won't submit, deal with him/her with patience and great love. Educate yourself with your new goal so that you would be able to properly guide.

As children learn how to read and write, so they also need to know the importance of healthy eating. Nagging them will only make things worse. So instead of using words, use actions.

Here are some tips that can help your teenagers know that you mean business when it comes to eating healthily:

1. Don't assume that when you say "no chips", your teenager will submit when the cupboard is filled with them.

2. Try to replace artificially sweetened snacks with naturally sweetened snacks like fruits.

3. Plan your menu for the week so that there won't be excuses.

4. Use alternative way of cooking like roasting in the oven or steaming and boiling instead of frying.

5. Lessen or remove artificially sweetened juices and tea.

6. Try using herbs such as basil, oregano or parsley and spices like lemon pepper, chili powder or garlic powder to flavor your food instead of butter, margarine, or gravy.

7. Instead of serving cakes and ice cream, look for alternatives that is still interesting to eat but healthier.

8. Trim off fats and skin from meat before cooking.

9. Start using chopsticks when eating because this slows you down. And people who digest their food properly

are known to absorb the nutrients better.

10. Stock up on whole grain food like bread and buns.

11. Encourage your teenager to never skip meals.

12. And lastly, educate your children.

These are just some tips on how to encourage your teenager to eat healthy food. But remember, unless your teenager understands your goal and embraces it, they can easily "break" away from it when they are with friends. Therefore proper guidance and patience is necessary to ensure that your teenager will not feel trapped or forced.

Healthy Foods for the Pregnant Women and Their Fetuses

➥During the pregnant period, diet is very important both to the pregnant mothers and their babies. If the women do not eat proper food at this period, it is not only harmful to the health of their own body, but may also affect the normal growth and development of their fetuses. Following are some healthy foods which are very beneficial to the pregnant mothers and their babies.

First, apple - to promote the development of brain and prevent fetal malformations.
Apple is rich in zinc, which is closely related with the memory of human being. Zinc is conducive to the development of fetal brain, so apple is known as "the fruit which is beneficial to human intelligence". If the pregnant women suffer from zinc deficiency, it may cause a variety of zinc-related abnormalities, such as fetal underweight, developmental stagnation, congenital heart disease, bone abnormality, hypospadias, and so on. What's worse, it may even lead to other serious consequences such as miscarriage or stillbirth. If the pregnant women eat one or two apples every day, it can meet the daily demand for zinc by the fetuses.

Second, seaweed - to avoid the mental retardation of the fetuses.
During the third to fifth months of pregnancy, the development of fetal brain mainly relies on the adequate supply of thyroxine by their mothers' body. If the pregnant women suffer from iodine deficiency, the synthesis of thyroxine in the body will be affected, so the fetuses can not get enough thyroxine needed by their body, which may result in poor brain development and lower IQ. Therefore, pregnant women must pay attention to the supplementation of iodine during pregnancy. Among the daily foods, kelp contains the largest amount of iodine, so it is the best food for pregnant women to supplement iodine.

Third, egg -to promote the development of fetal brain.
The nutrients contained in egg are very comprehensive and balanced. The seven kinds of nutrients almost can be completely utilized by the body. Especially the lecithin contained in egg yolk, which is called as "memory element", it is not only very beneficial to the development of the fetal brain, but also can enable pregnant women to maintain a good memory. As a result, egg is an ideal food for pregnant women. In addition, the high-quality protein in eggs can be stored in the pregnant women's body, which can improve the quality of the breast milk during the postpartum period. However, although egg is helpful for the health of pregnant women and fetuses, they should not eat too much every day. Generally speaking, eating three to four eggs every day is appropriate. Otherwise, it may increase the burden on the liver and kidney.

Healthy Food for Pregnant Women

Eating healthy during pregnancy is vital for your baby. No more junk food or fat meat is allowed when you prepare to become a mother. Pregnancy means a lot of responsibility, but if you are able to make some sacrifices, it is really worth it. The foods you eat during pregnancy build a healthy body and strong immune system for your baby. It's truly rewarding to see you have brought a strong and healthy child into the world.

Following a healthy eating regime, it's something every pregnant woman should do. Any diet plan includes a list of foods that are highly recommended and others that should be avoided. Before following a diet plan, it's better to see a specialist. Taking into account your medical history, a specialist can advise you on what specifically you should go for. When you are pregnant, it's essential to include in your diet, foods that contain calcium, iron, vitamins, fibers and minerals. Don't ever say no to healthy food such as brown rice, grain pasta, wheat bread, cereals, poultry, fish, egg and nuts.

For vitamins, you should eat fruits such as melons, grapes, apples, bananas, peaches, oranges and strawberries. For your health and your baby's health do eat vegetables such as spinach and lettuce. The principle of any diet plan is not to starve. If you feel like eating, go ahead and eat healthy food. Staying hungry during pregnancy does no good to your baby's development. You should give up caffeine, nicotine, alcohol if you don't want a baby with birth defects or malformations.

Do healthy diet plans specially designed for pregnant women have benefits?

Diet plans do have a lot of benefits. First of all, if you stick to it, you assimilate all nutrients needed for a perfect development of your baby. When you have a diet plan, the risk of eating unhealthy food is lower than when you have no plan at all. What's more, a healthy diet regime helps your baby have a normal weight at birth.

Another advantage is that the complications after birth are dramatically reduced. Symptoms such as fatigue, sickness and emotional fluctuations are simply diminished. Healthy eating during pregnancy leads to speedy recovery after birth. Your body recovers in a short period of time and you will be able to take care of your new born sooner than you think of. Healthy diet plans specially designed for pregnant women really give results. All you have to do is to stick to it.

Do you enjoy cooking? During pregnancy, just forget about cooking. The key to a healthy diet is to reduce cooked food as much as you can. Raw food contains more nutrients than cooked food. If you can not enjoy eating raw food, you should choose cooking methods that retain nutrients. For example, instead of boiling vegetables you can steam them.

Pregnancy is about staying healthy. Make the best decisions concerning you diet plan during pregnancy and you'll enjoy life together with your healthy and happy new born.

Healthy Foods for Pregnant Women

When you become pregnant, you have to change the way you eat. Not only must you keep your baby healthy during pregnancy, but you need to keep yourself healthy, as well. While the idea that you need to eat more while pregnant is true to an extent, that does not mean you should substantially increase your daily caloric intake. Typically, pregnant women only need to consume 300 more calories a day than what they consumed before becoming pregnant. However, the type of food you eat during pregnancy is important because it provides you and your growing baby with the proper nutrients.

Vegetables and Fruits

Many of the essential nutrients that are needed during pregnancy can be found in fruits and vegetables. Vegetables such as spinach and broccoli contain iron that is vital to you and your babies' health. Other vegetables such as peas and lentils contain folic acid, which is also vital to you and your babies' health during pregnancy. Fruits such as strawberries and oranges also contain essential nutrients such as iron, folic acid, and an assortment of healthy vitamins.


Certain dairy products are good for you and the baby. Pasturised milk, small quantities of cheeses such as cheddar cheese, and yogurt can all help provide you and the baby with calcium. However, dairy should be consumed in small quantities, and certain dairy products such as raw eggs and certain cheeses should be avoided during pregnancy.


Certain meats contain essential nutrients such as protein that are vital to your health. However, undercooked meats, and raw fish or seafood should be avoided during pregnancy. Eating red meat in moderation can be good for you and the baby during pregnancy. Red meat is rich in iron, as well as protein, which are both needed during pregnancy. When you choose to eat meat, ensure that the meat is thoroughly cooked.

Desserts During Pregnancy, It is important to maintain a healthy weight. Most desserts are fine to eat during pregnancy. However, all desserts should be eaten in moderation.

While many people believe that pregnant women are limited in what they can eat, there are many foods for pregnant women available. The key to a healthy pregnancy is eating the right foods for you and the baby. Following a healthy diet during your pregnancy can help ensure that you remain healthy and that your baby grows properly.

Typically, it is ideal for pregnant women to eat a variety of foods every day. By eating a variety of foods, it is easier to get the amount of calories and nutrients needed for both the mother and the baby.

When you follow a pregnancy diet plan, you can figure out what foods you enjoy, as well as keep track of foods that provide you and the baby with the most nutrients. As you progress through your pregnancy, you may need more nutrients than others. Knowing which foods will provide you and the baby with the correct nutrients can be done easily when you adhere to a pregnancy diet.

Healthy Food Choices

You might have heard this a million times before, but allow me to say it again. Having healthy food choices can have a lot of values in our day-to-day lives. This is a sure-fire way to prevent and avoid many fatal diseases such as cardiovascular issues, cancer, and even diabetes. Having healthy food choices will also eventually improve our focus, memory, and mental fitness so that we may succeed in life.

How do we make this kind of choice among foods? Bear in mind that you to measure the exact amount of the food you are taking. Additionally, you also need to be familiar with all the best parts of the foods we are having daily. Although one sad thing to note here is that, due to the busy and fixed schedule, we tend not to be choosy with the foods that we eat. We just eat whatever comes in hand y and instant. In fact, to some people, eating at home has been a story of the past already; history long forgotten.

What they do is to dine out and go to the fast food chains that are growing by the number these days. What they don't know is that they are doing an odd routine of taking in food that might be infested and can eventually damage their digestive organ. The act of ordering food to save time has replaced the need to eat healthy and safe foods.

An important issue here is self control. If we want to live a healthy life, we should know how to put a limit and a control to the decisions that we make-especially if it is about having healthy choices on foods. We need to have a balanced life.

The following are some reasons why we should make healthy food choices. Check them out and see if what you are doing is still the right thing.

1. We need to bid the entire chemicals goodbye. Reading the labels of the food that we eat can help us in doing this. We have to give our family only what they deserve-definitely no preservatives that will just endanger their health.

2. Savor the flavor that your home-made healthy food will give. Let your family enjoy the fresh flavor of veggies and fruits. Learn to add flavor, too. Fresh beans, the green ones, are flavored so that you don't need to exert much effort. There a lot of choices that you can always choose from, these certainly have the flavor that will make your family eat them.

3. Healthy food choices will help in making you live longer. Problems on obesity and overweight will be lessening if only people will learn to eat properly. Obesity is really posing danger and strains on your heart. It will make your heart work two times the hardest than it normally does. Eating healthy will certainly make you feel better and will give you more energy.

Making healthy food choices will also allow you to live longer so that you can be with your family for a long time. You will be able to spend more time with them and let them know that they are most important thing in your life. So you see now how healthy food choices can go a long way?

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Healthy Foods for Women

Eating healthy food is important to good health. Women have specific nutritional needs that are different from men. There is a higher sensitivity to the chemicals and artificial hormones found in many processed food products. Additionally needs for nutrients such as iron are different due to menstruation and reproductive concerns. To keep your body healthy and strong it is important to have the adequate amounts of vitamins and nutrients that your body requires. There are a variety of specific foods that can be very beneficial to women's health.

Calcium Rich Foods: This is needed to maintain strong bones and prevent osteoporosis. There are various foods high in calcium. They include dairy products and dark green leafy vegetables. Kale: This is a vegetable that is a great choice for women. It's high in calcium as well as folate which are important to women's health. Kale also has vitamin C and B for additional nutritional value. Other good choices are broccoli and brussel sprouts. Too much dairy is not healthy. Limit it to healthy portions with foods such as yogurt. This will give you the additional benefit of the probiotics found in yogurt. This is good for a healthy digestive system. Avoid the premade yogurts that are full of sugar and use the plain ones instead. You can just add some fresh fruit and nuts for added flavor and nutritional value.

Nutritional tips for women: The best food choices are plant based. You should eat a variety of fruits and vegetables daily. When selecting produce use organic as much as possible to avoid the pesticides that are often sprayed on non organic items. Include fiber based foods as well. Beans and healthy whole grains will keep you feeling full and satisfied. Alcoholic beverages should be limited. One glass per day should be the maximum intake. Drinking wine is a good choice due to the healthy benefits of the resveratrol. Enjoy a glass of wine with dinner. This is a heart healthy habit. Caffeine is also fine in moderation, with one cup per day being a good standard to follow. Caffeine can affect hormonal balance in some women as well as decrease calcium levels if consuming excessive amounts.

Keep protein levels in moderation as well. The popular high protein diets are not healthy long term. A well balanced diet approach is the key to good health, energy and weight management. You need the healthy carbohydrates such as whole grains and dark leafy vegetables on a regular basis. Excessive protein can also deplete calcium levels over time, potentially leading to osteoporosis later in life. Healthy snacks for women include nuts such as walnut and brazil nuts. They contain monounsaturated fats which help reduce the risk of heart disease by lowering cholesterol levels. One ounce per day is a good serving size.

Fiber Rich Foods: Foods high in fiber include beans and whole grains. They are a very affordable, filling and healthy food choice. They help maintain a healthy digestive system and may prevent problems in this area from occurring. Green leafy vegetables such as kale are high in fiber. Whole grains such as brown rice and whole wheat bread are also fiber rich choices to include in your diet.

Iron Rich Foods: Women have unique needs when it comes to iron. A high quality multivitamin made for women should contain the adequate amount of this very important mineral. Women also need more iron during their monthly cycle as it becomes depleted. Some good food choices for iron include beef, dark meat poultry, spinach and swiss chard.

Omega Rich Foods: Women need adequate amounts of omega-3 fatty acids in their diet. This is important for proper brain functioning. It also protects against heart disease and inflammation which can lead to a multitude of disease conditions. Foods such as salmon, mackerel and sardines are very good sources. Symptoms that you are deficient in omega 3 fatty acids include dry skin, joint pain, fatigue and depression.

You should aim for 2-3 servings of omega rich foods weekly. Omega 3 fatty acids contain two very important forms known as DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) and EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid). DHA and EPA are the omega-3 types that are found in seafood. Other omega-3 forms such as ALA or alpha-linoleic acid, is found in foods such as flax seeds, walnuts and dark green leafy vegetables.

Folate Rich Foods: Women also need to have an adequate amount of folate in their diet. Folate is important to building red blood cells. Some women have a tendency to become anemic and folate is important to preventing this from occurring. Symptoms of a folate deficiency may include confusion, mental fatigue, difficulty sleeping, and depression. Sufficient folate is very important for women during pregnancy. The RDA recommendation is 400mcg daily. Foods such as broccoli, lentils, asparagus and oranges are all great sources of folate.

Healthy eating is so very important for everyone. Women in particular have specific needs in this area and therefore should include foods that will help them maintain energy. The variety of gender specific concerns women face such as pregnancy, pms and menopause can all be helped with correct food choices. Foods that contain the key nutrients needed for these areas can help women to feel better, manage stress and control weight. It is very important to always consult with your medical doctor before undertaking any changes in your diet or lifestyle, particularly if you are currently taking prescription medications or have been diagnosed with any disease.

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Healthy Food Helps You Burn Fat

Undoubtedly, burning fat is about consuming healthy food. When we eat right, eat healthy food, we do not have to bother about burning fat anymore. Working out at the gym for hours burning calories will not reduce your weight and burn enough of your fat when you do not consider what you consume. It means that burning fat by only doing exercise is not enough. Yes, you can burn fat and lose some of your weight by doing exercise but if you do not maintain what goes in from your mouth, soon you will get back the fat you burn. The root problem is controlling what goes into your body. And consuming healthy food is the solution.

What does it mean by consuming healthy food? The term healthy is very much dependent on the amount and frequency in consuming the food. There is no single food that contains all the nutrition our body needs. Thus, consuming healthy food actually talks about series of eating healthy foods over time, in other words, having healthy eating lifestyle. You do not get healthier right after you eat a lettuce; neither do you get significantly higher cholesterol by eating a piece of fried chicken. It is the series of eating those foods that affects your health. It is the constant action of eating the food you choose that affects your body. Thus, healthy eating lifestyle is what is important.

How to choose healthy food? There are two common characteristics of healthy food. First, the food is unprocessed. Second, the food is organic.

First, the food is unprocessed. It means we eat what the nature gives. Most of the food is provided on our table after several processes. They are boiled, fried, grilled, or preserved. Most of these processes do not make the food healthier. The unprocessed food includes fresh fruits and fresh vegetable. To name some, whole grains, legumes, raw nuts, fresh sprouts, etc. Probably the only process that the food can go through is the process of cleaning. The food has to be made fresh on our table as if we eat it directly after we pluck them.

Why do we avoid processing food? After processed, the food may lose the very nutrition that our body needs; lose entirely or some in quantity. For example, we lose healthy vegetable nutrients after we cook them. After processed, the food may contain ingredient that is dangerous for our body. For example, higher concentration of heterocyclic amines (HCA) or polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) after grilling process. HCA and PAH can cause cancer. PAH is also found in tobacco smoke.

Second, the food is organic. It means we eat pesticides-free food. The food is natural, not genetically engineered, and irradiated. This kind of food offers you the highest nutrition and the purest taste of all the food available. Choose the organic food when you go to restaurant. Include organic food in your monthly shopping list. Select packaged food that has organic label, although you might need to check further on this one. Go organic.

Not only the selection of kind of food that are concerned, but also the nutrition that the food contains. Among carbohydrates, protein, and fat, protein is the one that uses more calories to burn. What does it mean? It means when you consume more protein, your body burns more calories. When your body burns more calories, your body is using more energy. It is identical to have you run in a longer period on your treadmill. It burns more of your body fat. Thus, the food that you consume determines how you will burn fat and lose weight.

Finally, your dream to burn more fat is not only about exercise. Exercise is, by all means, really good. But you also need to watch the food that you eat. By having healthy eating lifestyle, rest be assured that it avoids the fat you burn to come back filling up your body again. Consider healthy food as your daily menu. Filter your food choice. Get rid of those unhealthy foods. Make eating healthy food your lifestyle; choose unprocessed and organic food. You will be amazed how this can work in your progress of losing your weight.

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