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Thursday, December 22, 2016

A Lesson From Our Grandparents On How To Eat

It's so hard for us to figure out how to eat. So we and our children suffer from obesity and bad health. We need to figure out what to eat so that we can enjoy ourselves and be healthy. With so many diseases and obesity out of control, so many of us are becoming concern about the way we eat; we are concerned about how to shop for our families. We have forgotten how to enjoy the simple foods of life.

I remember when my grandparents ate their biggest meals early in the morning before they went to the fields to work. They ate their mid-size meals in the afternoons and the smallest meals in the evening when they would be doing less work. I wonder how we learned to eat the way we do. Our ancestors or grandparents didn't eat the way we do. They ate what came from the ground, unpasteurized milk and dairy products, meats with no hormones.

We have allowed people like the founder of McDonalds, Ray Kroc and others to fashion our eating habits. Believe it or not he wasn't in the hamburger business; he stated he was in the real estate business. He wanted to have a lot of real estate and he accomplished his mission. But if he wasn't in the hamburger business it explained why he didn't care about the kind of food he was feeding the nation. Not just him, but the many others who pushed us into thinking we can put anything in our mouths and we would be healthy. These individuals used food as a vehicle to accomplish their dreams at the expense of others.

Now because of all the synthetic foods, cancer is out of control, diabetes is out of control, obesity is out of control. Most of us don't even desire real food. We really believe that our bodies know what we are eating. It doesn't, the body can't identify it, and so it makes us sick.

We so desperately need to learn how to eat like our grandparents did about 50 years ago, they ate simple foods, and not processed foods nick named Franken Foods. Most of the people than, didn't have soft bellies or belly fat. As children we had tight stomachs not soft bellies like we are seeing today. Children played, not sit on the couch all day and watch TV. Than I was a child we skated and rode our bikes, jumped rope. If you didn't want to go out you were thrown outside. We climbed trees; we were active and healthier.

Come learn more on how what to eat at: []
Information like this will help you learn how to choose the right foods for your family. You will understand how our grandparents instinctively ate, it will make it so much easier to shop for your family.

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