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Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Discover Low Carb Recipes

Dieting is never easy, but with the growth of the internet, it's definitely become easier. You don't have to sit around flipping through book after book to find a good recipe. Now, you can just Google it, and hundreds of recipes come up. Many recipes come with ratings and comments from readers who have made the recipe and improved on it. This makes it much easier for you to make your own version of that recipe! The low carb diet is no different from other diets in this regard. Thousands if not millions of low carb recipes are readily available online. A quick Google or Yahoo! search will reveal all that you need to know.

If you're looking for good low carb breakfast foods, then just Google that phrase. Many larger websites even have different types of recipes broken down into different categories. So breakfast foods may be an entire page by itself with lists of different types of recipes. I've found some of my favorite breakfast foods this way. For example, I was just browsing through someone's dieting blog, when I came across a photo of a bacon egg bake. It looked delicious and the recipe was easy to follow. You basically just wrap a piece of cooked bacon around the inside of a muffin pan, then crack an egg inside it. For extra deliciousness, you then sprinkle some of your favorite cheese on top.

The same goes with dessert recipes. There are so many dessert recipes out there, it's amazing! Once I thought it would be great to make a low sugar cheesecake. I thought about how to modify a normal cheesecake recipe by convert the sugar into sucrose. It didn't even occur to me to see if someone had already come up with the recipe until after I had made it! Luckily, it turned out ok. But, when I checked online, I discovered a great way of making a carb-less crust for the cheesecake - you can just grind up almonds and then add melted butter to it to make it into a paste that you then spread around the base of your baking pan. It was a great alternative to the normal graham cracker crust. It's ideas like these that you can learn when you read other people's recipes.

Of course, there are already plenty of entrees that are low in carbs naturally without any conversion. Although you can find many of these recipes on all sorts of blogs and websites, it's still better to find them on specialty websites. This is because, although a pot roast may seem like it shouldn't contain any carbohydrates or sugars, some recipes will add ingredients that do have them. For example, cornstarch might be added to a pot roast to thicken the sauce. Sugar might be added to a chili or soup recipe to sweeten it more. If you're very vigilant when you look through recipes, then you will be ok. However, if you're not careful, then some recipes may contain ingredients that you don't want to include. That's why specialty low carb websites and blogs are better sources for low carb recipes.

How do you find these blogs? Well, it's not as easy to find them at first because just googling for "low carb blogs" can generate a lot of lists of blogs that are outdated and no longer running. It can also generate many pages of results that you don't find all that interesting and don't really want to spend time trawling through. So the best way is really to start with one blog that you enjoy and to keep reading it. Over time, if it's a good blog, they're usually mention other bloggers who do similar things. Other bloggers might also post comments on the blog you're reading, offering cooking tips or recipe suggestions. These would be good people to check out. You can even start a conversation with them as most bloggers are very friendly and love to talk about their area of interest.

So, in conclusion, it's quick and easy to find recipes online, but if you're looking for low carb recipes, then it's best to stick to low carb blogs as they will provide you with the best ones.

Secrets of Raising Better Kids and Teens in Today's World

Raising great kids is not talk but work. Parenting or guarding young ones is one of the most difficult tasks on earth and truly it is one work we get little or no training but if it is done rightly, the rewards are fulfilling and long lasting.

To raise better kids and teens, you must be intentional about it. Nothing works until your mind is in it. See raising kids and teens as a work that must be done properly if not the family and entire community will suffer the ugly consequences.
Anything one learned during kidhood or teenage years sticks and can be difficult to unlearn. As one who is entrusted with the duty of raising these young ones, whether you are their biological parent or not, you should give this work your best. You should know that for anything to thrive, it requires time and care.

As a higherlife coach, major part of my work involves helping people make a positive difference with their life and living, and I thought it necessary to write on this topic because children are our arrows to the future. If you truly desire to raise better kids and teens in this internet and touch screen era, the following points below will help you:

# 1 Healthy Communication
Good communication does not just happen, you must make it work. You have not rightly communicated until the kids and teens understand you.

# 2 Moral Re-Armaments
Good ethics and morals should be encouraged at the early stage of child development because characters formed at this time of life are carried on to adulthood. As a parent or guardian, you must be God fearing and purposeful if not you won't be able to help children understand the true meaning of life, what purpose is and what brings about authentic happiness, joy and fulfillment. Help kids and teens build a good spiritual life and you will be amazed that other aspect of their lives will be healthy and progressive. You must properly build a moral and ethical environment.

# 3 Netiquette
Educate young ones on the healthy use of social media and other internet platforms. This will help them to behave rightly whether someone is watching them or not as they use the internet. You must make them understand that what they watch read and hear subtly influence their lives therefore, they should not watch, listen to or read immoral and evil stuffs that will corrupt their minds. Teach them healthy rules on how to use and communicate on the internet and social media.

# 4 Be a living epistle:
Young people learn fast by imitating adults. As an adult, you must be a person of good character and conduct. Be an exemplary; the younger ones are watching, observing and copying what you do. Show gratitude and treat people with respect and these younger ones will learn to do so.

Train up younger ones in rightful ways and as they grow up, this moral values and good things you have taught them will help them surmount the pressures of life. They will grow up to become good citizens and noble ambassadors of our nation. If we all can give raising of better kids and teens our best, they will grow up to make us proud. Children are treasures and we must value and guard them .